
Team Stormtrooper

We were both executives at a previous start up company together where we first met and worked long and hard in the trenches together. You need someone to keep you laughing and sane when building a company.

We did the same thing on the Rally in 2021. We had moments of intense laughter along the way even when it was stressful and crazy….and a moment or two of being completely lost and too stubborn to get help. We created pet names for all the gadgets (Mr O’Mally, Egg, Stormzy…) all with unique personalities and part of our team.

We have have traveled the world together, experienced life and mentored and coached either other through hard times. Couldn’t ask for a better team mate to do the Rally with again!!!

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Suzi McBride


Space nerd, love my work to help connect people with what matters most to them, calculated risk taker, bored easily so always looking to learn something new, and ....being a partner to my husband and setting a strong example to my 2 boys (17 and 20)


Chief Operating Officer



Favorite Quote:
Fun Fact:
Why the Rebelle? Why now?

It takes a Rebelle or 2 to really understand what this is all about. So looking forward to seeing if and how Heidi and I learned from last year and putting that to practice again. Plus....we have a great group of women friends now and it's like a reunion .... can't wait to see those lovely faces and support system again!

Who, or what, inspires you most?

I've been inspired by people who take calculated risks in life a go for things that are hard or uncertain. Whether it's trying something new, moving to a different city, or shifting to a different job/career/starting a company...they took a risk to explore something new without knowing exactly how it would end.

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

Right now it’s The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz : Good rules to live by and excellent advice for anyone doing the Rebelle….Be impeccable with your words; Don’t take anything personally; Don’t make assumptions and Always do your best.

Greatest adventure to date?

Parenthood....every year is different, parenting is harder than it looks, but it's so incredibly rewarding too. Very proud of my two sons, Jackson and Carter, and how they are developing as young men.

Prior Years Competed:

2020 and 2021

Awards Achieved:

Heidi Dillard


Fierce Friend. Flaming Extrovert. Contagious Chuckle. Adventure Lover and Knowledge Seeker. I like to immerse myself with people and learn and grow from those experiences.


Chief People Officer



Favorite Quote:

I wouldn’t say this is my FAVORITE quote…but lately this quote (I’m not sure who said it) has been grounding me in this crazy polarized world – “Kindness is loaning someone your strength instead of reminding them of their weakness.” This resonates with me because it reminds me of my fellow Rebelles…the group is incredibly kind, welcoming, helpful, and supportive. We lend our strength to others day in and day out…and we know the tribe gets stronger when we work together, even if we are in competition with one another.

Fun Fact:

Ugh! No fun facts! I’m learning tennis…which is really testing my patience!

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

Why NOT?!? Suzi and I had such a fabulous time last year that we figured we’d challenge ourselves again this year…and honestly, there are some points that still haunt me.

Who, or what, inspires you most?

Honestly, my friends and family inspire me. They make me want to be a better human each and every day. My coaches also inspire me…to be the best athletic version of myself on the field.

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

OK, I’m kinda boring – I don’t watch much TV. I’m an avid reader and have been digging deep into current events (Billion Dollar Whale, Crying in H-Mart, These Truths: A History of the United States). I’m also a big fan of Malcom Gladwell and since I’m an avid runner have really enjoyed his latest podcast, Legacy of Speed. A friend of mine recently got me listening to Mike Duncan’s “Revolutions” podcast. I’m a nerd and like to learn…what can I say?!?

Greatest adventure to date?

Every day is an adventure and an opportunity to learn and grow! Some of my fondest adventures were with my dad, strolling around in the wilderness or on the water with him…just basking in his glow and learning about his love of life.

Prior Years Competed:


Awards Achieved:



2020 Jeep Rubicon