
Dirt Dames and Games

We met as most people do these days through the internet. But it’s not how you think. We met through a ladies’ offroading and camping ground called Ladies Night Campouts. We signed up for one of the first campouts out in Arizona at Alamo Lake. This was in the early growth of the group so none of us knew one another. We all just knew we wanted to find more female friends who liked to camp and offroad. So a meeting time and a location were sent to us and we each drove out and met a bunch of other women from the internet at a gas station in the middle of the desert. Then followed one of them to a lake. If this doesn’t just inspire a murder mystery series.
The weekend campout was incredible we bonded, left as friends, and met up at more of the campouts throughout the year.
Fast forward two years and Nat and Lizzy have gone on multiple adventures together, with Nat even coming up to Montana for 10 days to visit and learn to ride dirt bikes with Lizzy.
The LNCO campouts brought us together and training for the Rebelle has brought us so much closer.

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Our title sponsor is Storyteller Overland

Toyo Tires
Elka Suspension
Wagan Tech
Warn Industries
Alpha Equipped
Goose Gear
Safe Jack

Lizzy Siegel


I guess I’m like a cat, independent and often not very peopley. But catch me in the right mood and I’m jazzed to play and have fun.


Jack of Many Trades - Photographer, Overland Vehicle Rental Business Owner, AirBNB Super Host, GIS Mapping Field Crew


Stevensville, Montana

Favorite Quote:

“Isn't it interesting how we always regret the things we didn’t do and rarely the ones we did?” - Ron Lim author of No Idea What I’m Doing But F*ck It

Fun Fact:

I had never been camping until my late 20’s. Follow that up 10 years later and I practically lived out of a rooftop tent for a year by choice.

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

This year I turn 40 at the end of the rally. That seemed like a sign to finally jump in and participate, after following along the last few years. But more so, there are moments when you are ready to do something that has the power to change your life.

Who, or what, inspires you most?

Women who stand up for other women in the face of adversity.

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

How We Show Up: Reclaiming Family, Friendship, and Community- Mia Birdsong

Surrounded by Idiots: The Four Types of Human Behavior and How to Effectively Communicate with Each in Business -Thomas Erikson

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear- Elizabeth Gilbert

Greatest adventure to date?

In 2019 my husband and I sold the majority of our belongings, rented out our house, and built out our truck in 7 days for full-time living. We had saved up so we could “retire for a year”. We had seen too many friends and family members talk about the things they dreamed of doing when they retired and then not make it, or become too ill to fulfill their dreams. During our year we traveled the western US, camping, living outside, hiking, visiting national parks, and driving as many dirt roads as we could. We checked as many things as we could on our bucket list. And a fun twist, our rally tundra is the truck we spent the year traveling in.

Prior Years Competed:
Awards Achieved:

Nat Muscat


I have always enjoyed learning and challenging myself, whether through school, travel, or sports like climbing (that's a challenge for both mind and body). I have a passion for anything tech and outdoors and am always looking for the next adventure.


Software Engineer


San Diego, California

Favorite Quote:

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why they call it the present." - Master Oogway from Kung Fu Panda. (Though, the quote is more notoriously accredited to a human named Bil Keane)

Fun Fact:

I have a degree in film and media studies but found computer science to be my calling. pretty much self-taught.

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

It was one of those bucket list items that you add but don't think you'll get the chance to do...but here we are! I have an adventurous spirit and find challenges like this to be fun and inspiring. As for why now? Why not. Liz was looking for a partner and I decided to send her a message saying I was interested in competing with her. We chatted about what we were looking to get out of the event and realized we had the same goals, so we agreed to partner up!

Who, or what, inspires you most?

My parents. They're the epitome of "work hard, play hard". I grew up watching them build their business, work nights and weekends, and still have time to be at every event I had, plan parties in our backyard, and travel every chance we got. I don't know if they ever slept, but they always had a smile on their faces.

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

There’s too many adventures (my Jeep is less than 2 years old and already has 30k miles…), but the one that comes to mind is my long trip to Montana last year to visit Liz and her husband, Brett, actually. We hung out for the week, checked out breweries, paddle boarded down the rivers, learned how to ride a dirt bike, and on the way home I ended up crashing an event that a friend was putting on so I wasn’t camping alone. There I met up with other friends who were also heading back home in my direction and we all camped on the edge of a cliff overlooking Lake Powell. We set up our kitchens right on the edge and got cooking as we saw the sun go down. Talk about memorable, it became the perfect no-plan planned trip. Oh, and a trip to Europe wasn’t so bad either.

Greatest adventure to date?
Prior Years Competed:
Awards Achieved:


2011 Toyota Tundra