
Besties For Breasties

I decided to race in the Rebelle Rally, after being diagnosed with HER2+ breast cancer. The Rebelle had been on my radar for nine years.I had always thought I didn’t have the experience and the right skill set but then again you gotta start somewhere right? When the thought of my life being taken away, well, you don’t wait or miss opportunities.

So seizing the challenge by the balls but I needed a partner. I couldn’t think of a better co-pilot in this insane rally, one of my best friends Jordan Keeth.

Jordan loves adventures as much as I do and I knew she wouldn’t even hesitate when asked. She obviously didn’t.

More importantly, Jordan and I will be racing for a cause. We are racing for Racks! This year it’s predicted that 297,790 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. So we will be using this opportunity to raise funds for B4BC, Boarding 4 Breast Cancer, a non-profit foundation dedicated to prepare young people with the education of early detection, promote the importance of maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle as the best means of breast cancer prevention, and provide survivor support for those affected by breast cancer.

Sponsored By:

Ridge Merino
Print Fellows
Truck Envy
Max Tax
Mountain Meals
Chevron Mammoth

Louisa Bir


Outgoing, dedicated, passionate mother and wife who has a zest for life and new adventures.


Jewelry Designer & Shop Owner


Mammoth Lakes, CA

Favorite Quote:

"I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.” - William Ernest Henley

Fun Fact:

I love Camels.

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

Tuesday, December 19, 2023 - I sit here drinking coffee looking in awe the Sierra Nevada Mountains, on the backside of Tahoe. Everyone is still sleeping. In 2.5 hrs I will be heading to Carson Tahoe Cancer Center for my last infusion. A year ago, I was sitting here doing the exact same thing. Anxious sipping on my coffee, pumped with steroids to heed of any allergic reactions, in anticipation of my first round of chemo. Wondering to myself if coffee was a good choice, if I would be throwing it back up a few hours later.What a year it’s been….mentally, physically, relationships have strengthen, some have faded, tears, sickness, strength, exhaustion, but most importantly hope.Hope of ringing that bell, signaling the last treatment, ending this journey and closing this chapter. Thanking my doctors and nurses for their care and kindness. Hugging my darling husband, who has been my forever NorthStar.Walking out in the cold air, leaving the cancer center behind. Now it’s time to rebuild, not only my strength, my immunity, but a new me. I am not the same woman. I wouldn’t say I didn’t live life to fullest before. I played hard but there’s been a shift, I have been given a gift. Awareness and time and I’m going use it to help others that are battling and navigating through Breast Cancer too.I have decided to race in the Rebelle Rally, the first women’s off-road navigation rally raid in the United States. It’s been on my radar for nine years. I had always thought I didn’t have the experience and the right skill set. It is the ultimate challenge of precise navigation and the Rebelle tests your skills over 8 days of competition. It is not a race for speed, but rather a unique and demanding event based on the elements of headings, hidden checkpoints, time, and distance using only maps, compass, and roadbooks. I am seizing this challenge by the balls but I can’t do it alone as it’s a two female gig. I couldn’t think of a better co-pilot in this insane rally, Jordan Keeth. More importantly, Jordan and I will be racing for a cause. Racing for Racks! This year it's predicted that 297,790 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. So we will be using this opportunity to raise funds for B4BC, Boarding 4 Breast Cancer, a non-profit foundation dedicated to prepare young people with the education of early detection, promote the importance of maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle as the best means of breast cancer prevention, and provide survivor support for those affected by breast cancer. We will be rookies in the Rebelle Rally. Our team name, "Besties 4 Breasties”. We have a 10 months to prepare for this and truly hoping to create some amazing memories, find epic sponsorships / donations, make new friends, and push ourselves to the limit. For now we are saving and using our own personal funds to build our rig (more on that later)…But foremost building awareness and support for B4BC. Not only does a win in a category come with bragging rights but you are also awarded money towards your charity of your choosing. We are honored to be working with B4BC https://b4bc.org

Who, or what, inspires you most?

My husband Dan. He genuinely is the kindest, most humble human I have ever met. He inspires me every day to be a better human.

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

Books – Shantaram, Mutant Message Down Under, Hefe (written and yet to be publish) by my dear friend Deidra Ciolko.

Greatest adventure to date?

Being Kai's mum. Kitesurfing in Africa was pretty sweet too, ha!

Prior Years Competed:
Awards Achieved:

Jordan Keeth


A Jill of all trades, a master of none.


Food & Bev Events


Squamish, BC Canada

Favorite Quote:

"If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room." Jack Welch

Fun Fact:

I grew up in Las Vegas and Hawaii.

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

When opportunity for an adventure comes along like this with your best friend, you don't say no. You say buckle up butter cup.

Who, or what, inspires you most?

Humans in general. Whether it is overcoming physical or mental challenges, or inventing a product that betters our lives, or just plain being a selfless person towards fellow humans. There is inspiration in it all.

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

Science VS podcast
Any book about neurology and human behaviors
Planet Earth

Greatest adventure to date?

My seven day self supported expedition in the north cascades to summit and be the first ones to ride Ptarmigan peak.

Prior Years Competed:
Awards Achieved:


2024 Toyota 4 Runner