
Warner Grins & Grit

Susan Pieper and Tony Warner, the team sponsor, have known each other for years through the automotive aftermarket world. Susan was also a customer of Tony’s other company, Mercedes-Benz Van Center—Warner. Tony had always respected the Rebelle Rally as a proving ground, not just for the competitors but also for the vehicles. In late 2023, after securing the INEOS Automotive dealership in Utah, Tony knew the Grenadier would be perfect for the Rally and asked Susan to assemble a team. Knowing Elise Young from past Rebelle Rallies and sharing a mutual respect for each other’s careers and hobbies (hunting, fly fishing, skiing), Susan invited Elise to join the team.

The team name, “Grins and Grit,” embodies the Grenadier’s story of resilience and toughness (“grit”). At the same time, we believe that anything worth doing should be approached with a smile.

The full “Grins and Grit” team includes key members like Todd Kunkel, Clayton Wilde, and Mike Reed, along with their vehicle, “Helga.” Together, they’re excited to make their debut at the 2024 Rally, representing both INEOS and Warner INEOS Grenadier.

The name “Grins and Grit” came from our belief that people perform their best when they’re both determined and having fun.

Sponsored By:

Warner INEOS Grenadier, BF Goodrich, Evictus, LeTech, Goose Gear, Agile Offroad, Overland Gear Guy and Blue Ribbon Coalition

Susan Pieper


After working as a corporate executive, I went through a midlife crisis and shifted to entrepreneurship, eventually building and selling my own automotive aftermarket company. I’m also a proud mom with a "rad" son with whom I share my passion for adventure, adrenaline, and design.


Business Owner & Consultant


Alpine, WY, USA

Favorite Quote:

"Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing." -- Helen Keller

Fun Fact:

I'm working on my A license in Skydiving

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

I've always put in my best effort in previous Rebelle rallies, but now it's time to leave nothing on the course and aim for the podium.

Who, or what, inspires you most?

Ernest Shackleton inspires me the most as I respect his leadership in adversity and his resilience and perseverance.

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

Books – The Endurance by Caroline Alexander about Shackleton; Unbroken: The Story of Louis Zampieri by Laura Hillenbrand and finally In the Heart of the Sea by Nathanial Phillbrick

Greatest adventure to date?

Competing in the 1995 Transpacific Yacht Race. We won our division and I also skippered our sailboat from Hawaii back to San Francisco taking 23 days.

Prior Years Competed:

2018, 2019, 2020, 2021

Awards Achieved:

Elise Young


I'm an adventurous person who loves saying yes to new experiences and showing up fully for them. I'm dedicated to building meaningful connections and balancing my professional aspirations with a deep commitment to personal growth and exploration.


Senior Business Intelligence Analyst


Livingston, MT, USA

Favorite Quote:

We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be. - Kurt Vonnegut

Fun Fact:

I learned to ski before I could walk!

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

The Rebelle represents to me a proving ground for growth. It's time to find out how far I've come since my last competition in 2020 and what giving it everything I've got looks like today.

Who, or what, inspires you most?

My dog Hudson. He does everything with maximum enthusiasm and effort. His love and joy are contagious. He reminds me how important the little everyday things are.

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

“Books – Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals (Oliver Burkman)
– Crescent City Series (Sarah Maas)
Podcast- Freakonomics”

Greatest adventure to date?

A 2-week mountaineering trip with NOLS in the PNW, where we lived on a glacier for much of those 2 weeks, culminating with an ascent of Mt Baker (I was on the student-led rope team).

Prior Years Competed:

2018, 2019, 2020

Awards Achieved:


2024 INEOS Automotive Grenadier Trialmaster