
Toyota Trailhuntresses

We both graduated Engineering school and started working for Toyota: Accessories Development in 2017. There were only a handful of female engineers in the group and since we started at the same time we were thrown together frequently. We soon found we had a lot of commonalities, but the one we talked about the most was our parents. We were both raised by hard-working, straight-shooting dads and funny, zesty moms. We talked about them a lot, specifically how they influenced (and continue to influence) the trajectory of our lives.

When Toyota presented the opportunity to participate in Rebelle, we both knew we wanted to do this but, more importantly, we wanted to do it together! Our strengths and weaknesses are complementary and we knew our friendship was a good foundation for being a Rebelle team.

Our initial plan was to compete in 2023 but after evaluating our personal and professional schedules we determined that competing in 2024 was more feasible. Toyota supported this decision and we began to plan.

Our first training, April 2023, was eye-opening and only slightly uncomfortable. But that discomfort was key to our growth as a team because it helped us determine who would Drive [Megan] and who would Navigate [Elizabeth]. It’s a funny story… ask us and we’ll tell you about it!

With roles defined, we lunged into studying and preparing for Rebelle. We’ve learned much along the way but understand we will certainly face new challenges daily, hourly, and minutely. We hope to overcome those challenges with grace and persistence. Our goal is to come out of the rally as better friends and more capable explorers.

Thank you Toyota for empowering us to participate in this amazing competition. We are proud to represent Toyota and so grateful for the opportunity to be Rebelles.

See you at the starting line!

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Elizabeth Stading


I am an Accessory Quality Engineer at Toyota, a native Texan, and a Fightin' Texas Aggie (Gig'Em!). I am blessed with the most supportive husband (Jason), spunky rescue pup (Cohen), and spicy kitty (Raven)!




Frisco, TX, USA

Favorite Quote:

"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered with failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."~Theodore Roosevelt

Fun Fact:

I played collegiate tennis.

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

I want to push myself to be uncomfortable and expand my limits, to learn new skills, and to grow as an individual and a leader. Toyota, my employer, has provided amazing support for my team to compete and develop our skills and leadership experiences - I didn't want to let that opportunity pass me by.

Who, or what, inspires you most?

I realize this sounds corny, but my dog Cohen inspires me every day. His energy and attitude for life is unmatched, and he's on board to go wherever and do whatever needs to be done with a wagging tail and a happy demeanor.

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

Top Shows:
1. Tracker
2. Magnum P.I. (new version)
3. Burn Notice

Greatest adventure to date?

Banff / Lake Louise, Canada. Incredible hiking and views!

Prior Years Competed:
Awards Achieved:

Megan Aubrey


I am redeemed and so happy in Jesus; I am wife to the kindest man and mamma to the most precious little soul. I daylight as a Project Manager for Toyota: Accessories Development, who I am proud to represent in Rebelle, but moonlight as an aspiring baker.




Lewisville, TX, USA

Favorite Quote:

"It is the greatest wisdom in the world to do every day what a man would do on a dying-day, and to be afraid to live in such a state as a man would be afraid to die in." - Thomas Brooks

Fun Fact:

I am one of seven children.

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

When Toyota gave us the opportunity to participate in Rebelle, I was ecstatic. Did I have ANY of the skills needed? Absolutely not. But I wanted the chance to step out of my comfort zone, stretch, and rise to the challenge. Toyota not only gave us the chance to be Rebelles, but they have equipped us with the tools and the vehicle we need to be successful. Also, how lucky am I that Elizabeth and I get to do Rebelle together? We were coworkers, then friends, and now Rebelle teammates. So, the chance to be a Rebelle with a good friend and a good truck was an offer I could not refuse.

Who, or what, inspires you most?

This may be cliche but my mom, Susan, is my inspiration. Her energy and zest for life is unrivaled. She is a lifelong student; she knows no stranger; she understands the needs of those around her then works to meet those needs; she makes the best peanut butter pie. It's a privilege to know her and a delight to be her daughter!

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

I actually don’t consume a lot of digital media, but the one TV show I could watch again and again is Monk.

Favorite books:
1) Unbroken – Laura Hillenbrand
2) The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society – Mary Ann Shaffer
3) The Murder of Roger Ackroyd – Agatha Christie (brilliant writing!)

Greatest adventure to date?

Without a doubt, motherhood. Nothing compares to the ups and downs of raising little humans!

Prior Years Competed:
Awards Achieved:


2024 Toyota Tacoma