
Team Cherry

There’s something about weird old Land Rovers that brings people together…Liza and Jenna became friends as their husbands’ bromance blossomed into a Podcast called the Underpowered Hour, which – of course – is mostly about old Land Rovers. Liza and Jenna share a lot of common interests and experience overlanding in these classic British safari trucks, but until they started training for the 2022 Rebelle, they hadn’t spent a lot of time together. Now, as they enter their third year in the Rebelle, Team 155 has been hard at work building their skills and getting as much time as they can behind the wheel and in the maps.

Sponsored By:

JLR North America – Defender, Cherry LA, Cash App, Full Sail University, Pirelli, The Underpowered Hour

Liza Beres


Having reinvented myself numerous times in my life, I identify as a bad ass woman who has worn many hats in life, including Pilates instructor, Production Manager, Business Owner, Producer, Curler, Quilter, and Mom of One. I'm a firm believer that if its worth doing, then give it 110%.


Pilates Educator


Valencia, CA

Favorite Quote:

Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?

Fun Fact:

I'm an avid curler (you know, the Olympic sport with stones and sweeping and yelling...), and have travelled all over playing in bonspiels.

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

Competing in the Rebelle the past two years has been a life changing experience for both Jenna and I. It has opened so many doors, and given me yet another way to reinvent and challenge myself. Sometimes life puts you in exactly the right place at the right time, and with the right people. Jenna and I couldn't be a better fit as teammates, and we are so thrilled to tackle this adventure together again this year, going for our third Rebelle.

Who, or what, inspires you most?

To see people living their lives with truth and authenticity, even when faced with innumerable challenges. To see other women living their lives unapologetically with authenticity inspires me to dig deep and rise above. And my daughter, Cooper, inspires me every day to live a life that sets an example for her to be true to who you are and to live with integrity and joy.

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

The Underpowered Hour podcast; This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone; The Last of Us (HBO)

Greatest adventure to date?

Besides becoming a mom to my precocious 9 year old, the Rebelle Rally is certainly the most exciting and grandest adventure to date. One day, I hope to fill this box by saying competing in the Rebelle Rally with her- she's hell bent on driving with me when she's old enough!

Prior Years Competed:

2022, 2023

Awards Achieved:

Jenna Fribley


I am an architect, tinkerer, teacher, dog lover, whistler, endurance runner and pesto fanatic with midwestern roots (but an Oregonian at heart). I'm usually easy to spot zooming around in a 1950’s or 60’s Land Rover, and I'm obsessed with organizing things into binders.




Springfield, OR

Favorite Quote:

The difference between an ordeal and an adventure is attitude

Fun Fact:

Love horseradish, hate mustard

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

Rebelle Rally has been one of the hardest, yet most fulfilling challenges I've ever undertaken. I'm always on the lookout for opportunities to sharpen my skills and to get out and have awesome adventures with a whole family of likeminded, bad ass friends. At this point, I can't imagine missing it.

Who, or what, inspires you most?

That feeling of being on an epic adventure where you have stepped away from your daily life/routine/headspace and are able to simply focus on the task at hand, even when you’re tired and sore, but priorities are simple and you just keep pushing while also being blissfully present and appreciative of where you are and how amazing it is to have such an opportunity.

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

The Underpowered Hour Podcast, Only Murders in the Building, The Princess Bride

Greatest adventure to date?

I am lucky to have adventurous friends with whom I have shared some pretty epic experiences. It’s hard to choose one experience as the “greatest” adventure, though the Rebelle is up there at the top of my list. I would say that generally the greatest adventures are the ones that involve some level of “misadventure” along the way. When things don’t necessarily go as planned, and there is an unexpected obstacle that has to be addressed, it is all the more satisfying when you overcome the challenge and can continue the journey. It’s the misadventures that are a true test of character. Plus, these make the most interesting stories :)

Prior Years Competed:

2022, 2023

Awards Achieved:


2024 Land Rover Defender 130