
Force de Fem 1

Both of us are avid endurance enthusiasts and were chosen by our company to represent them in the Rebelle rally. We look forward to using our skills learned in our own adventures to thrive in the Rebelle rally.

Sponsored By:

Magna International

Olivia Eddy

Switching roles



Troy, Michigan

Favorite Quote:
Fun Fact:
Why the Rebelle? Why now?
Who, or what, inspires you most?
Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows
Greatest adventure to date?
Prior Years Competed:
Awards Achieved:

Linde Johnson

Switching roles

Eager to live life to its fullest.Never afraid to be the fun, outgoing person in the group.


New Business/Costing/Sales Coordinator


Bowling Green, KY USA

Favorite Quote:

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams."Thoreau

Fun Fact:

I can fit inside most carry-on bags.

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

I have always had the driving bug in my veins and when this opportunity came up to be a part of a once in a lifetime adventure, I knew I had to jump at the chance.

Who, or what, inspires you most?

Everyday people who have put in the hard work to become endurance athletes...pure dedication and grit.

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

Anything Triathlon
Golden Trail Series (Youtube)
Rich Roll Podcast

Greatest adventure to date?

Ragnar Trail Race - I was on an 8-person team that relayed 3 different trails with 3 different distances and difficulties in a 24-hour period. Every member had to complete each trail within the 24-hour cutoff. Running in the woods at night is a whole other experience :)

Prior Years Competed:
Awards Achieved:


2020 Jeep Gladiator Rubicon