
Wayward Daughters

We met at a meet and greet for women in production engineering interested in the Rebelle rally. Within 2 weeks we had interviewed, been chosen as the Rookie team for Toyota and were on a plane headed to Cali to the Roost for our first Rebelle U training. We learned alot that weekend about the trucks, mapping, the desert wind, and that twizzlers are a food group. This summer has been challenging to say the least. Julia has had some physical challenges that she has worked hard to overcome, because she was not missing the opportunity to compete. While Sheena has been the driving force to get the LC repaired and ready for the rally, her drive, vision, energy and enthusiasm and my hope is her countless hours of lost sleep will be well worth the adventure we’re going on. We are so excited to represent Toyota PE as the rookie team ’24 along side Sam & Becky and Sandra & Myra.

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Toyota Production Engineering, Toyota PE TILT Lab, Toyota PE Motorsports

Sheena Pyles


I love trying new things and exploring the unknowns. I love learning and every new adventure comes with valuable lessons learned.


Chief of Staff, Production Engineering


Patriot, IN

Favorite Quote:

I wouldn’t be who I am today, if not for those I’ve loved along the way”

Fun Fact:

I have travelled to over 50 countries and swam in every ocean on the planet!

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

I am lucky enough to have been selected by Toyota, which encourages their team members to “Start Your Impossible”. This will be me starting my impossible. I really want to test my limits. This competition will take me to beautiful, remote locations and the navigational challenges will be thrilling and exciting.

Who, or what, inspires you most?

I get inspiration from many places, but most of all my husband. His patience and persistence, even when faced with challenges inspires me to do better and be more patient and just enjoy the experience and not focus on the issues.

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

Podcast – Going West, Missing in Alaska

Shows – Unsolved Mysteries, 90 Day Fiancé, Cold Case Files, Forensic Files

Books – The Atlantis Gene

Greatest adventure to date?

Trekking in Antarctica

Prior Years Competed:
Awards Achieved:

Julia Buckby


I was born and raised in Kentucky, but I love the beach, the salt water, the sand, and the sunshine. I am outgoing and hard woking and I'm always ready for an adventure and to learn something new.


Quality Seibi Technician BodyWeld Production Engineering


Georgetown, KY

Favorite Quote:

‘Do one thing every day that scares you’ Eleanor Roosevelt

Fun Fact:

I pick up things with my toes.

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

After getting to know the other Rebelles at Toyota and hearing their stories and knowing how much Toyota promotes women in the workplace, I knew this was something I had to do. I will get to learn new skills and see beautiful places along the way.

Who, or what, inspires you most?

My daughter inspires me every day, with her drive and her work ethic, she tackles every challenge with patience, understanding and a beautiful smile.  

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

Shows: NCIS(Original), Snapped

Books: Last read “Killers of the Flower Moon”, Currently reading “The Housemaid”

Greatest adventure to date?

Maui - Everything about the island is amazing, the beach, the waterfalls, the seafood, the culture, and snorkeling with the massive sea turtles.

Prior Years Competed:
Awards Achieved:


2024 Toyota Land Cruiser