
Long Beach RaceHers

How it started?

Jenn and Natalie started off as roller derby acquaintances which eventually blossomed into a friendship. They played on the same team for years locally and to some travel games. Jenn, or Squirrel, her derby alter ego, was a blocker. Natalie, Busturr Chassis, was the jammer. The blocker in roller derby will often make a path through the derby pack for the jammer. Funny enough, they fall into these roles as Navigator and Driver for the Rebelle Rally. Squirrel is still making the path while Busturr is pushing forward to score points.

During the throws of Covid and what its restrictions brought for roller derby, both were forced to put derby on the back burner for a bit. While Squirrel still actively plays today, Busturr just drops in for a practice here and there to say hi.

With the downtime from derby, Squirrel and Busturr both turned to their other passion; being outdoors camping and off-roading. When they each realized their other hobbies aligned too, they had a moment like in that movie “Step Brothers” where Will Farrell and John C. Riley looked at each other and said “Did we just become best friends?!?….Yep!!”

And so the outdoor adventures began. They’ve camped in the desert and mountains together. They’ve explored some off-road trails with our own co-pilots (their husbands). They have done an off-road “taco tour” through Baja, Mexico. They have gone on a desert-bar tour with some more friends in Arizona. And they’ve bombed across the Mohave Desert in their rigs set up for camping, trying to keep up with friends that have trucks a little more capable of the trip. And they have even boated together down the Colorado River.

All of this fun adventure-ing eventually led to Busturr asking Squirrel if she wanted to do the Rebelle Rally with her. Neither of them had any idea what they were getting into, except that it was a navigation based competition over 8 days from Mammoth to Glamis. It is SO much more.

So they went to a Rebelle U training in Ocotillo with other like minded women. Some who had previously competed in Rebelle Rally and some checking it out like like Squirrel and Busturr.

Busturr was immediately hooked. But Squirrel needed to consider what she would be taking on. And she also needed to figure out if she would be able to commit to the time and money it would take to compete. It’s not a decision to make lightly. The entry fee is hefty and they would need to spend money beyond that on supplies, training, gear, and to outfit Hank the 4Runner further. But if you’re reading this I bet you can guess the outcome. OF COURSE Squirrel said she wanted to do it!

To this day they pull their derby background into their Rebelle training. An example of this is the term “new jam”. In derby, a jam is one round of the game, similar to a down in football. A whistle is blown, the jam starts and chaos ensues. It’s actually a beautiful skilled dance of blockers and jammers, offense and defense. This is when points are scored as jammers break free of the pack of blockers, and souls are stolen as the blockers work together to keep the jammer stuck in the pack, unable to score for their team. The declaration of “new jam” is something we say to each other in derby as a reminder to let the previous jam go. To start fresh, and make this jam count. To not dwell on mistakes or even the glory of points. Because it is a new jam and you need to focus on whatever the game has to throw at you. In the truck, while training, Squirrel and Busturr will often call “new jam” to move through difficulty. They pull that part of derby into the cockpit of Hank the 4Runner regularly. It is a good reminder of the focus you need when considering your next course of action and how much time you have to accomplish that.

Another thing Squirrel and Busturr have in common is, unfortunately, auto immune illnesses. Auto Immune issues often are vague and hard to diagnose. Often times being auto-immune illnesses are mistaken for other issues and are mistreated.

Busturr has known something was wrong for years, but only recently was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritus. She is often in pain but puts on a brave face and pushes forward. She is currently trying her 4th medication seeking respite from this pain.

Squirrel was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2013 when symptoms reared their ugly head causing temporary blindness and paralysis in the right side of her body (luckily that has since subsided, but comes and goes). Like Busturr, she also puts on a brave face and pushes forward. Sometimes our autoimmune illnesses tell us to slow down; sometimes we listen, sometimes we don’t, but we both know that we have to keep pushing forward and we can’t let it slow down our passion for life and pursuit of our hobbies.

Having both roller derby and auto-immune issues that align their past and present, if they do take a podium in the Rebelle Rally, per the rules, the prize money goes to a charity of their choosing. That being said, they would be thrilled to split their donations (if allowed) between Badfish Roller Derby, where their friendship sprouted and also where they learned the true meaning of the word team, AND also to an auto-immune charity that is TBD.

And so Squirrel and Busturr committed to training. They tuned in to watch Rebelle Rally online in 2023. Once the competition was over and the dust settled they very impatiently waited for the link to appear on the Rebelle Rally website. As soon as it did, they clicked, paid the fee, and continued training their butts off.

Sponsored By:

Total Chaos, Cabe Toyota, Pirelli, K&N, MBRP Exhaust, shockseals.com, SmityBilt, Sycapated Brewing, DrKDSS, Method Race Wheels, Rig’d Supply, Hest Outdoors, Ghost Energy, MODL Outdoors

Natalie McPherson


I am a adventurous chick who likes to fly by the seat of my pants, usually in the desert, water or air. My family, friends and laughter is where my happiness lies.


Refinery OPerations in the Alkylation Unit and Environmental Treating Department


Long Beach, CA

Favorite Quote:

"Skaters don't cry." - my Mom. When I was little and learning how to roller skate. She taught me to get up, brush the dirt off, and keep trying, because crying is not fun but roller skating is. It's a quote that spills over into a lot of different things.

Fun Fact:

I was a firefighter in my mid twenties for a hot minute...pun intended.

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

Why not? Why wouldn't you want to do the Rebelle if you could? Why now? Because now is when I learned about it and had the means to do it. If I had known before and had the means to compete, I would have been involved year one. And every year since.

Who, or what, inspires you most?

My Mom and her adventures inspire me. If only she had her own van vlog...My husband and his never ending ability to show love and push through anything thrown his way inspires me.My kids inspire me for just being in the world today. There is unfiltered, unlimited, immediate access to everything on the internet. It so much (and I am glad it wasn't a part of my childhood). And somehow they are both still well rounded, smart young men, who do not let the influencers influence them. I admire them for getting through years of missed childhood due to covid. And they both still seem happy, whole and motivated to do good things. I love you boys and am proud of both of you every day for finding your own path through this crazy existence.And lastly the sun! Sunrises and sunsets are my favorite. There is something so great about that first sun first beams over the horizon, especially on a crisp, quiet morning away from the city, in ANY terrain. And equally great when the sun casts an orange glow on the world around me as it goes from a blazing bright ball of fire. It seems bigger somehow as it dips behind the Earth. And that last tiny shard of bright light is snuffed out. But the colors get richer, slowly fading into night and twinkling stars.

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

The Emerald Mile, You are a Badass, and Avatar, the Last Airbender (the cartoon series, NOT the movie)

Greatest adventure to date?

I really have been blessed with some great adventures alongside some spectacular people. Oahu with my family, Maui and Mexico with my husband, Whitewater rafting down the Colorado River solo (in a group) for two weeks, Havasupai with my bestie, Girls roadtrip all over the south west, including Horsehoe Bend kayaking and camping, countless trips to the Colorado River and desert, Costa Rica with the girls, Belize scuba trip and the Great Blue Hole with my cousin, Scuba diving all over, power hang gliding over Hawaii, all the hiking, off-roading and traveling i could squeeze in. Just go if you can.

Prior Years Competed:
Awards Achieved:

Jennifer Lee


A WHEELY fun gal who loves adventuring on 4 & 8 wheels, manager of payroll, off-roading, and roller derby queen. Friends and family mean the world to me.


Payroll Manager


Long Beach,CA

Favorite Quote:

"If a friend asks for help, you help them." - Letterkenny

Fun Fact:

I've been playing roller derby for 10+ years spanning over 3 teams.

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

Why not? You only live once right?

Who, or what, inspires you most?

My parents inspire me by installing the love for adventure and continious drive to learn.

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

1. Show- Letterkenny
2. Show- Futurama
3. My Bigfoot Sighting (it’s a silly podcast, but I love it!)

Greatest adventure to date?

When my husband and I took a road trip in our Jeep LJ starting from the Colorado River out of Blythe all the way up Arizona out to the northern rim of the Grand Canyon.

Prior Years Competed:
Awards Achieved:


2018 Toyota 4Runner